If you are interested in becoming a member of the coalition For an easy donation, you have to accomplish some few conditions:

Non-profit character: an organization is not established and operated for business purposes; any profit is not split between natural persons but it is used for general purposes – including investment in organization development

  1. Legal form: registered association, registered institute, foundations and endowment funds
  2. Active implementation of non-anonymous individual fundraising, partnership approach, willingness to share experiences
  3. Existence for minimum of 2 years, international organizations can enter 6 months after beginning operations in the Czech Republic
  4. Residency in the Czech Republic
  5. Signing up to the ethical code of the coalition and its observation
  6. Public annual report
  7. Submission of requested documents: Annual report, statutes, abstract from criminal, ID document, registration at the Office for Personal Data Protection

We would like to welcome organizations that are willing to share their experiences and work together on the development of individual donations in the Czech Republic. We are not an educational agency for organizations which start with fundraising. We build on a partnership approach and benefit for existing members.